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There will be a poster session on Tuesday, September 13 between 16:00–18:00 in rooms G 52 and G 56 (same building and floor as the lecture hall). The following posters have been accepted:
1 |
Aysajan Abidin and Jan-Åke Larsson Security of Authentication with a Fixed Key in Quantum Key Distribution |
2 |
Razieh Annabestani and Norbert Lutkenhaus Efficient QKD on Trusted Repeater Networks |
3 |
M. Bawaj, M. Lucamarini, G. Di Giuseppe, D. Vitali and P. Tombesi Decoy-detector technique implementation based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) |
4 |
Aurélien Bocquet, Anthony Leverrier and Romain Alléaume Optimal eavesdropping on BB84 without quantum memory |
5 |
Jan Bouda, Matej Pivoluska and Martin Plesch Encryption with weakly random keys using quantum cyphertext |
6 |
Abdessattar Bouzid, Jun-Bum Park, Sean Kwak and Sung Moon Reduced after-pulsing of InGaS/InP single photon avalanche diodes for quantum cryptography |
7 |
Cyril Branciard One-side Device Independent Quantum Key Distribution: Security and feasibility |
8 |
S. Bratzik, S. Abruzzo, M. Mertz, H. Kampermann and D. Bruß Quantum key distribution with finite resources: Min-entropy vs. von Neumann-entropy |
9 |
Matteo Canale, Davide Bacco, Simon Calimani, Francesco Renna, Nicola Laurenti, Giuseppe Vallone and Paolo Villoresi Performance analysis of a low-cost, low-complexity, free-space QKD scheme based on the B92 protocol |
10 |
Marcos Curty and Tobias Moroder Heralded qubit amplifiers for device-independent quantum key distribution |
11 |
Jörg Duhme Quantum key distribution on Hannover Campus: Theory |
12 |
T. Eberle, V. Händchen, J. Duhme, T. Franz, R. F. Werner and R. Schnabel Quantum Key Distribution on Hanover Campus: Experiment |
13 |
T. Ferreira da Silva, G. B. Xavier, J. P. von der Weid and G. P. Temporão Monitoring single-photon detectors against eavesdropping in quantum cryptography systems |
14 |
Torsten Franz, Fabian Furrer and Reinhard F. Werner Extremal Quantum Correlations and Cryptographic Security |
15 |
Mario Berta, Fabian Furrer and Volkher B. Scholz The Smooth Entropy Formalism on von Neumann Algebras |
16 |
N. Daniel Kumar Key generation across an untrusted entanglement-free QKD network |
17 |
Rupesh Kumar Experimental one-way quantum key distribution with Trines |
18 |
Charles Ci Wen Lim, Nino Walenta and Hugo Zbinden A new Coherent One-Way protocol that is highly immune against unambiguous state discrimination attacks |
19 |
M. Lucamarini, M. Bawaj, G. Di Giuseppe, D. Vitali and P. Tombesi Recent advancements in the Bennett 1992 protocol |
20 |
Mhlambululi Mafu, Adriana Marais and Francesco Petruccione Towards the security of coherent-one-way quantum key distribution protocol |
21 |
Anne Marin and Damian Markham Reed Solomon Codes for Quantum Secret Sharing Protocols |
22 |
Kevin T. McCusker and Paul G. Kwiat Engineering and Applications of High-Efficiency Heralding of Single Photons |
23 |
Markus Mertz QKD with finite resources: The role of quantum noise |
24 |
C. Pacher, A. Abidin, T. Lorünser, M. Peev, R. Ursin, A. Zeilinger and J.-A. Larsson Hacking QKD protocols that employ non-ITS authentication |
25 |
Stefano Bettelli, Momtchil Peev and Christoph Pacher Symmetries and attack parametrisation in discrete-variable quantum cryptographic protocols |
26 |
Anna Pappa, Andre Chailloux, Eleni Diamanti and Iordanis Kerenidis Practical Quantum Coin Flipping |
27 |
Christian Peuntinger, Bettina Heim, Christoffer Wittmann, Christoph Marquardt and Gerd Leuchs Daylight Free-Space Quantum Communication using Continuous Polarization Variables |
28 |
Michael A. Popov Quantum Immune One-Way Function |
29 |
Lorenzo Procopio Spatial correlations of photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion |
30 |
Daniel Barbosa de Brito, Fábio Alencar Mendonça and Rubens Viana Ramos Theory and Applications of the Spectral Analysis of the Photocurrent produced by Single-Photon Detectors |
31 |
Sebastian Nauerth, Markus Rau, Martin Fürst, Henning Weier, Christian Kurtsiefer and Harald Weinfurter High speed quantum random number generation |
32 |
Markus Rau, Sebastian Nauerth, Martin Fürst, Harald Weinfurter, Tobias Heindel, Christian Schneider, Stephan Reitzenstein, Sven Höfling, Martin Kamp and Alfred Forchel Freespace QKD using a Quantum Dot-Micropillar Single Photon Source |
33 |
Mohsen Razavi Synchronous versus Asynchronous Secret Key Exchange over Star Networks |
34 |
Adriana Marais and Lana Sheridan Security in the Differential Phase Shift Protocol |
35 |
Lana Sheridan, Thinh Phuc Le and Valerio Scarani The Reference Frame Independent Protocol: Finite-key security and Generalizations |
36 |
Constantin V. Usenko One more series of protocols for quantum cryptography |
37 |
Shuang Wang, Wei Chen, Zheng-Qiang Yin, Guang-Can Guo and Zheng-Fu Han Field test of the wavelength-saving quantum key distribution network |
38 |
Shun Watanabe Finite Analysis of QKD Protocol with Hashed Two-Way Classical Communication |
39 |
Christian Weedbrook Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution using Thermal States |
40 |
W. Donderowicz, A. Janutka, M. Jacak, J. Gruber, P. Tomczak, G. Kayyali, I. Jóźwiak and W. Jacak Wrocław University of Technology Quantum Cryptography Laboratory Research Programme |
41 |
G. B. Xavier, G. P. Temporão and J. P. von der Weid Quantum cryptography in long optical fibers employing orthogonal states |
42 |
Nelly Ng Huei Ying and Stephanie Wehner Implementation of Bit Commitment protocol in the Noisy Storage Model |
43 |
Matteo Canale, Francesco Renna, Nicola Laurenti QKD secrecy for privacy amplification matrices with selective individual attacks |
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