Rump Session

For the second time in QCrypt history, QCrypt 2019 will feature a rump session, which is an open-microphone event including food and drinks. It will take place in the Cœur des sciences Agora on the evening of Thursday, 29 August 2019, organized and chaired by Anne Broadbent from the University of Ottawa.

Rump Session Schedule

1. Ramy Tannous. Floatable blinding-attack-resistance biological single-photon detectors. 7 minutes.

2. Kevin Guenthner. Quantum Key Distribution Episode IX – A global Network. 7 minutes.

3. Sébastien Lord. Limerick. 2 minutes.

4. Christian Majenz. Limerick. 5 minutes.

5. Takaya Matsuura. Limerick. 2 minutes.

6. Wenyuan Wang. Simple Method for Asymmetric Twin-Field QKD. 7 minutes

7. Elham Kashefi. Quantum Protocol Zoo. (8 minutes)

BREAK (20 minutes)

8. Charles H. Bennett. Fighting Fake Videos. 10 minutes.

9. Jiamin Zhu. Limerick. 2 minutes.

10. Wil Oxford. Limerick. 5 minutes.

11. Anne Broadbent. Conference Announcement. 4 minutes.

12. Louis Salvail. Conference Announcement. 7 minutes.

13. Igor Pavlov. Worldskills (5 minutes)

Best and Worst Limerick award ceremony (5 minutes

  • Do you have breaking news, progress reports, conference/journal announcements or other topics of interest to the quantum-ryptographic community?
  • Can you keep your talk short and entertaining?

Conference participants each have an opportunity for up to ten minutes of fame to present breaking news, humorous takes on the subject, etc., at the open microphone but need to submit a topic title and very short abstract to the rump session organizer ahead of time, according to instructions below.

This year’s rump session will include a limerick contest with a prize for best limerick and a prize for worst limerick.

If you would like to give a talk, please send an email to by noon on Wednesday 28 August specifying the following four items:

  • Title and presenter.

  • A brief summary (not for publication): e.g.
    1. We can do QKD over 25000km without repeaters nor satellites.
    2. I have completely broken a commercial CV QKD system.
    3. I have found a new application for the quantum internet.
    4. Alice will prove that Bob doesn’t know Jack.
  • Requested duration of your slot in minutes; if you request more than 10 you may not understand the concept of a Rump Session. The maximum allowed time might be reduced if we receive an unprecedented number of exciting submissions.

  • Explanation (not for publication) of why this talk belongs in the Rump Session: In order of decreasing interest to the Rump Session chair, these are:
    1. Money: I have already bribed the Rump Session chair.
    2. Will be funny: I really, really promise.
    3. Short announcement of a conference nobody can afford to miss.
    4. Real Breaking News: obtained this result last week in the pub.
    5. Partial News: obtained this result last month in our lab.
    6. New Boring Stuff: The result is on the arXiv and has been accepted for some major conference/journal, so most of you will hear about it, but let me bore you twice with my result. (applies also to work that is presented at QCrypt 2019 in the poster session)
    7. Very Boring Stuff: Has been accepted in some minor journal none of you will read, so I am going to bore you with it here instead.
    8. Bitter and Rejected: The result was unfairly rejected from the regular program.